Monday, October 22, 2007

spider bows

My sister Amanda made Stela the cutest bows ever! They are little spiders and they were the hit of the town when Stela wears them! Thanks Auntie Amanda and cousin Sophie!

Porter and teeball

Rene and I decided to sign Porter up for tee ball this year. He just turned 3 in August and we felt like with everything that we have going on with the baby and her doctors and all, he kind of gets pushed aside. We thought this would be something just for him. He loves it.............when he gets to bat! He had his first game last Saturday and actually did really well. I thought he would cry and whine when the ball didn't come to him, but he didn't. My sister Terri went out in the feild with him because Rene was out of town. He didn't want his mom to go with him, he wanted Auntie Terri. Anyway, he did so well and we are so proud of him!

fun with cousins!

Porter loves playing with all his cousins. We went back home a few weeks ago and he rode his grandpas horses with his cousins Maci,Matti,and Kiana. He also played hopscoth, which is his new favorite game. I have no idea where he learned it. Anyways, he always loves to go hang out with his grandparents and cousins.

Graham County Fair

A couple of weeks ago, we went back home to go to the fair. Porter and Stela had soooo much fun! Porter and I rode a few rides his favorite were the race cars! We saw all the animals and exibits and had an all around good time. Porter keeps asking when we are going to the "ferris wheel" to see the animals again.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Porter and Stela's Sippy cups

Porter was drinking milk from his sippy cup and Stela kept trying to take it from him so I got her her own. She thinks she is such a big girl! She can't drink from it but she likes to pretend!


So Rene was at work last Saturday and we were bored. We bought Stela this little ASU cheerleader outfit at once upon a child and Porter had this jersey, so we felt like taking pictures. Porter wouldn't open his eyes (TRACY!) j/k.