Monday, April 14, 2008

Auntie Terri...........

Do I not look just like my Aunt Terri in this picture?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Porter and Stela playing in the sand


All bundled up at Disneyland
Dinner with the princesses

Porter and the High School Musical people. They were teaching them the dances

POrter got a kiss from Cinderella and walked around all day teasing Rene that Cinderella kissed him and not Rene!

notice my drenched pants. I had to sit in the very front of Splash mountain!

He was so excited he got to drive!

Sadie and POrter

We look thrilled, I know

We decided kind of last minute to go to Disneyland. We went with Tammy and Dale and their 2 daughters. We left Friday night and came home on Tuesday. We had so much fun. I think I figured out Porter is afraid of heights, he didn't want to ride anything that was going to "Fly" He loved Pirates and Finding Nemo. Stela loved everything. She just let it all in and was a really good baby the whole time. We went to California Adventure so he could see his favoirte, High School Musical and Playhouse Disney. We went to the beach and he didn't want to leave! We had a lot of fun and are glad we got to go with Dale, Tammy, Sadie, and Savanah!

Easter............a little late

Ready for church

He wouldn't let his eggs go! We couldn't even eat them!

Maci, Matti, (Marcie's girls) and Porter showing off their eggs

Sadie (Tammy's daughter) and Porter

We had a nice Easter. Marcie and Tammy brought their kids over and we colored Easter eggs. The kids had a lot of fun. They always have a blast when they are together. Porter always crys when they have to leave!

Hip Helpers

Stela's developmental specialist requested that I buy Stela these things called hip helpers to hopefully get her to walk and crawl. They are basically spandex sewn up the middle. My mom could have totally made them, instead I spent 30 dollars! Oh well, they seem to be helping and Stela is getting better at keeping her legs together ( which is what the hip helpers do)