Sunday, February 17, 2008

random happenings

Porter thinking he is leaving the house like this. This boy dosen't like clothes!

Stela all ready for church

My Sunbeam

These are a few random pictures of the kids. Some are of Stela eating an oreo cookie and POrter on a four-wheeler that he just has to have now. There is also one of Porter before his first day of being a Sunbeam! They are the funniest kids!

Fun with daddy

Rene was off work early on wed. so he took Porter and Stela to a little resivoir on Greenfield and Guadalupe so Porter could go fishing. I met them when we got off work. We had alot of fun! (Rene dosen't do Stela's hair!)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Presidnet Hinckley

As I watched the funeral and celebration of President Hinckley today, I couldn't help but thinking of how I want to be better. What a perfect example to everyone. I couldn't hold back the tears. I am sad for selfish reasons, I'll miss hearing him at conferance and his wisdom and humor, but I was also happy. He is in heaven and with his wife. It really makes me reflect on my life as a friend, aunt, sister, daughter, wife and mother. I want to be better in paying my tithing, saying my prayers, reading my scriptures, attending the temple and being more positive. He did so much for the church and the world for that matter. He gave so much and did so much, putting the church first in his life. Hearing the testimonies from his friends and family only made my testimony of him stronger. I will miss him and I thank him for the love I have always felt from him.