Friday, March 21, 2008

Porter lately

I know I am going to forget all the cute things Porter does and says, so I decided to put them down.

I called Porter "Papi" the other day, He looked at me and said, Mom, only my grandma can call me "Papi" He is a huge Grandma's boy!

His favorite move lately is Mary Poppins. We were in Wal-mart the other day and he wanted a spiderman umbrella. He kept saying it was going to rain. I bought it for him and we came home and he started singing "Supercalifradulic (you get the idea) he was singing and dancing with is umbrella!

Porter did something the other day and I said Porter why did you do that? He looked at me and said "Because the Chicks dig it"

He always tells me I'm his favorite girl in the whole world and he loves me from the moon back to the dirt!

I LOVE my Porter!

Update on Stela

Stela had new tubes put in her ears at the first of the month. She had tubes put in in July, but her ears are constantly draining! She has very small ear canals so all this fluid gets stuck in her ear. Her ENT is at a loss so decided to take out the plastic tubes and put in titanium tubes instead. So far so good! I can tell she is feeling a lot better.

She had to get another MRI on her head. These are the worst things ever! Poor thing screams her head off. Her neurosurgeon said that the fluid in here head hasn't increased so he isn't anticipating having to put a shunt in. THANK GOODNESS!

She is doing so well right now. She learns something new everyday. We finally decided to start having her occupational and speech therapists come out to the house. So far, it has worked out well. We still take her to her physical therapist at the hospital because Stela loves her. Hopefully it won't be long for her to start walking!


On Sunday as we were leaving church, I totally biffed it! I was holding Stela and just lost my footing. I fell hard on the pavement. Stela was ok and I couldn't stop laughing! We came home from church and Rene did a replay of me falling. I started to fall on my stomach and to protect the baby, I guess I rolled over, spread my legs and ended up on my back! I was lucky that there was only one lady who saw that was outside, but it happend right in front of the church doors. SO EMBARRASING!! Porter was so worried and kept telling me I better not ever fall when I am holding him. He took some pictures of my battle wounds!! So humiliating!